Are u fed up with searching for – how to register a company in India? You’re on the right platform. Have a glance at the following steps to register a company on your own.

What is a Company?
A company is a legal person registered under the Companies Act. It is an association of like-minded people comes together for a specific purpose. The purpose could be profit-making or non-profitable(charitable).
How to Register a Company in India?
Initially, decide whether to start a Public Company or Private Company or One Person Company. Please go through this post for concluding the corporate form to start with.
Make an application for reservation of Name in Form No. INC 1 to ROC. Fees for reserving the unique name is Rs.1,000 as per Companies (Registration offices and fees) Rules, 2014. There is a maximum limit of 6 name choices. Reservation of such names is for 60 days from the date of application.
What does Registration offices and fees Rules, 2014 means?
Rules provide further details on how to follow the act.
What are the requirements for Company registration?
1. Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA} —> are the basic documents governing the incorporation of the company.
- MOA contains the objects and ancillary activities of the company
- AOA defines the rights, powers of the company and the manner of conducting the business
2. INC 8}—> is a declaration confirming –
•That all the requirements of Companies Act, 2013 and
•The related rules made thereunder.
3. INC 9}—> is an affidavit.
•Each of Subscribers to MOA and persons named as the first directors in articles shall give a declaration.
•This is to confirm that they are not convicted of any offense in relation to any company or found to be guilty of fraud to any company during the last of five years.
4. INC 10}—> Duly notarized photograph, details, and signature of the subscribers are to be filled in Form INC 10.
5. INC 22}—> Verification of registered office shall be filed in form no.INC 22 along with the fee. Filing is to happen within 30 days of incorporation.
What are the Post Incorporation Compliance’s ?
1. Name and Address of the register office of the company are at every office or branch of business.
2. All the business letters, billheads, letter papers, Notices, and other official publications shall contain the following details:
•Name &
•Address of Reg. Office
•Telephone/Fax No. (if any)
•Website Address (if any)
Please go through this link for further details regarding Companies Act.
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